Friday, September 29, 2017

Pudina (Mint) Salad

1. Relieves indigestion 2. Fights aches and pains 3. Gives acne free and glowing skin 4. Helps fight oral infections 5. Helps relief cough and cold 6. Prevent allergies and asthma 7. Relieves menstrual cramps and pain 8. Beat morning sickness in pregnant women 9. Boost immunity 10. Beats stress and depression 11. Help fight cancer name a few of the benefits!

My pudina salad preparation :

1. Soak pudina leaves in water added with salt for about 20 minutes
2. Add lemon juice
3. A bit of salt

Note: You can blend and drink as juice if not palatable eating raw.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Reiki Symbols

       Reiki symbols are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms that help improve the flow of Life Force Energy. These symbols are an art essential part of Reiki practice and they used to be secret and revealed only to Reiki students who are initiated into the advance or master level. However, with the technology available today it's hard to keep anything secret, so information about them can easily found on the internet.
       Although these symbols apparently may seem not have any special power in and of themselves, using them after attunement helps a practioner focus the Reiki energies. The primary three symbols are used in traditional Reiki are Cho Ku Rei or the Reiki Power Symbol, Sei He Ki or the Emotional and Mental Healing Symbol and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the Distance Healing Symbol